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Page 20
Posted on: February 22, 2021
Author's Notes
Ackerley's always got a quip or saying for every situation. Of course, he only seems to reference the ones that work out in his favor.
ACKERLEY: ...We'll talk about it later, okay? I promised Cort I'd play Celestial Alignment with him at the library. Care to join us?
AVA: Nah, you go have fun being an old chicken. I'm gonna check in with Gabby.
ACKERLEY: An old goose-pheasant.
ACKERLEY: And don't let that place give you any ideas. Remember what I've always said?
ACKERLEY: "Adventuring's a dangerous business..."
AVA: "...and nothing good has ever come of it." Yep.
ACKERLEY: Couldn't have said it better!
AVA: Alright, Quackerley, whatever you say.
TERRA: She's a spunky one, that girl.
ACKERLEY: I don't know where she gets it from.