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Page 31
Posted on: May 24, 2021
Author's Notes
You may have noticed a little glow around Vex's small pouch. It's a bag of holding, and one of Vex's most prized possessions. Where did they get it? That's a story for another page.
RAIONA: Guess I'll see you later, then...?
CORI: Guess so.
VEX: Does Rai know there's a creature running around out there?
CORI: Of course not. I didn't tell her.
CORI: It's probably just a loose buoro or something.
VEX: Whatever it is, you're sure it won't hurt Ava?
CORI: Nah, we're just giving her a good scare.
CORI: After what she did to you...
CORI: ...It's only fair, right?
VEX: Yeah, she deserves it.
Volume: Volume 1