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Page 50
Posted on: May 2, 2022
Author's Notes
Happy page 50, everyone! Thank you for taking this journey with us so far.
Also, thank you to Harry and T_Applesmith for their cameos, Harry the deer and Tybault the turkey vulture! If you're interested in a cameo role in the story, be sure to check out our Patreon and see if you can score first dibs next time we release a new batch of cameo slots!
Ackerley: Oh goodness, oh goodness, oh goodness!
Ackerley: Ava?
Tybault: Did you hear something?
Harry: It was probably a giabo, Tybault.
Harry: Bloody hell, they expect us to get this thing all the way to Cragcliff?
Ackerley: The Kin? Here?
Volume: Volume 1
Chapter: Chapter 2: I’ve Been Here Before