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Posted on: October 31, 2020
Author's Notes
Script by: Ari "Metajoker" Borhanian
Art by: Caitlyn Vilbrandt, IzzySqueakzy, Leah Briere, and Michael "Neon Noble" Nicolosi
TERRA: Pale as the ghost that awaits
TERRA: By the foot of your bed,
TERRA: You just might be haunted.
TERRA: You just might be haunted.
LAZ: Don't think your plan's workin', kiddo.
MARIE: Of course it is!
MARIE: They're dancing!
TERRA: She's right!
TERRA: Are you feeling well, Ackerley?
ACKERLEY: T-they look like they're enjoying themselves...
LAZ: I've seen scarier crowds.
LAZ: Let's give them a show to remember!
Volume: Extras
Chapter: Music to my Fears