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Posted on: October 31, 2020
Author's Notes
Script by: Ari "Metajoker" Borhanian
Art by: Caitlyn Vilbrandt, IzzySqueakzy, Leah Briere, and Michael "Neon Noble" Nicolosi
TERRA: Sometimes the air all around you feels cold as ice.
TERRA: Sometimes the silence is broken by unearthly cries.
TERRA: And you're paralyzed, frozen by terror and dread,
TERRA: Scared of ghost stories, the wails of the dead.
TERRA: And now you are haunted.
TERRA: Now you are haunted.
AVA: Belfry, I don't see them anywhere!
BELFRY: Hey, do you hear music?
Volume: Extras
Chapter: Music to my Fears